Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Because Life isn't Fair

They say he is smart, that he has a bright future and a lot to offer. He is fortunate and counts his blessings. Why does he feel so empty? Why can't he find happiness?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Worth it


The real Exodia

What the monsters see

Pity the fool

Don't tell me how to live my life

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Don’t wait for new years to make a resolution. Don’t wait for valentine’s day to show someone you love them. If you feel like you can be a better person, start immediately. If someone is important to you, remind them every time you see them. Make someone feel special on a day that isn’t their birthday. Respect someone’s culture and not just a month or day out of the year. Don’t seek excuses to celebrate, life is reason enough. Share it with those close to you and extend it to strangers, they are people too; even something as simple as a smile can go a long way.